
Mooroes Xayyah


Eclipsé (13) Retail Tarren Mill, EUEnglish
Tarren Mill, EU (15) Retail English
Emerald Dream, EU (13) Retail English


Head Mask of the Greatlynx 619
Neck Long-Lost Choker 603
Shoulder Maw of the Greatlynx 613
Hands Eviscerators of the Greatlynx 613
Waist Behemoth's Eroded Cinch 613
Finger Cyrce's Circlet 639
Finger Band of the Ancient Dredger 610
Trinket Foul Behemoth's Chelicera 610
Trinket Darkmoon Deck: Ascension 577
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Writhing Armor Banding on Back
Embellishment 2
Head Entombed Seraph's Casque 616
Neck Gold-Thread Choker 610
Shoulder Entombed Seraph's Plumes 616
Hands Sedimentary Gauntlets of the Harmonious 584
Waist Charmbelt of Hidden Stars 603
Finger Fuzzy Molding Halo 603
Finger Dark Abyss Hoop 603
Trinket Concoction: Kiss of Death 603
Trinket Quickwick Candlestick 584
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Embellishment 2
Head Helm of the Lightning Halls 554
Neck Love's Prisoner 554
Shoulder Fumaroles of the Destroyer 587
Hands Gauntlets of the Awakened 515
Waist Flame-Touched Chain 502
Finger Gem-Studded Band of the Quickblade 561
Finger Ring of the Traitor King 554
Trinket Ovi'nax's Mercurial Egg 603
Trinket Ominous Chromatic Essence 493
Off Hand
Embellishment 1
Blue Silken Lining on Waist
Embellishment 2
Head Mask of the Furnace Seraph 522
Neck Torc of Passed Time 515
Shoulder Devotion of the Furnace Seraph 515
Hands Grasp of the Furnace Seraph 522
Waist Sky Saddle Cord 515
Finger Seal of Filial Duty 522
Finger Seal of Diurna's Chosen 515
Trinket Neltharion's Call to Suffering 525
Trinket Whispering Incarnate Icon 519
Off Hand Thadrion's Erratic Arcanotrode 515
Embellishment 1
Rallied to Victory on Wrist
Embellishment 2
Blue Silken Lining on Feet
Head Grimhorns of the Sinister Savant 519
Neck Terros's Captive Core 519
Shoulder Amice of the Sinister Savant 522
Hands Grips of the Sinister Savant 515
Waist Urctos's Hibernal Dial 522